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Comment on TeamCity 2019.2 EAP3 is here by Anton Zamolotskikh

Hi Al, yes indeed it's a development of the same idea, but this time implemented as a bundled TeamCity plugin, so there is no need to refer any extra artifacts from your DSL's pom file. There is a slight alteration and extension of the syntax though, you can get an idea from our <a href="https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TW/Kanpur+2019.2+EAP3+%28build+71010%29+Release+Notes?_ga=2.136587824.1661060043.1571752407-1838703955.1447673945#Kanpur2019.2EAP3(build71010)ReleaseNotes-PipelineDSL" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Release Notes</a>. This is not a final release version of the Pipeline DSL and more changes may come in the 2019.2 release.

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