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Comment on TeamCity on Azure Marketplace by Dmitry Tretyakov

@john, I tried to reproduce it in the East US region without success. Could you please ensure that the "Container Instances" service <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-manager-supported-services#portal" rel="nofollow">is registered in your Azure subscription</a>? If it's registered please <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/newIssue?project=TW&clearDraft=true&summary=Azure+Cloud%3A&c=Assignee+Dmitry.Tretyakov&c=Subsystem+plugins%3A+other&c=tag+Azure+Resource+Manager" rel="nofollow">file an issue in our tracker</a> for that problem and privately attach the `teamcity-clouds.log` file for investigation. Please note that you need to specify "windowsservercore" tag for "jetbrains/teamcity-agent" image to start container with MSBuild tools. Also since <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-instances/container-instances-quotas" rel="nofollow">windows containers are not fully supported in Azure Container Instances</a> I recommend you creating and using <a href="https://github.com/JetBrains/teamcity-azure-agent/wiki/Managed-Image" rel="nofollow">managed images</a> to start TeamCity build agents on Windows. It'll take some time to setup required tools, e.g. VS/MSBuild tools, but as result such virtual machines work faster.

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